my principle is easy as physic, make sure everything is in equal balance as stated in NEWTON'S THIRD LAW

Saturday, 15 October 2011

3 things i love to do now

Salam and selamat sejahtera..waktu cuti nie memang tak tahu nak buat ape…serious bosan untuk sekarang ada 3 things I really want to do now…

korang tekalah TGV,GSC,MBO OR LOTUS...

Watching movie in the cinema is the best thing in my life..every time I go to kuala lumpur, I’ll spend about RM 100 for the cinema..make a marathon for the whole day can release all my stress and get rid of nostalgia in cinemasitting and enjoying the movie while chew 

caramel popcorn is my choise

The second thing I really love to do now is karo-k with my very best friend, SHAFIQ….

this is my best friend from SASER and the most i appreciate 

It is been a long time shafiq and I no to go karok-k together and the last time that we did was about when the SPM result was announced..

 saser a.k.a sains tunku munawir

SPM already gone, forget about it..hahax..the best port for us to karok-k is here:

the best port to karo-k

Green box is the best port to karo-k as they have many songs which is updated..lady gaga, Britney spears, avril lavigne, adele, k-pop,saloma, p ramlee, raihan, Hindustan and etc… Tak delah teruk macam tempat lain yang satu jam or satu lagu seringgit…GREEN BOX only offered 3 hours with 10 ringgit above for each person and eat anything that you want freely..

The third thing is teaching PHYSICS…I miss this subject so much…arghh……….

 this is convex lense when u > 2f

this is compound microscope..i still remember the concept very well

this is the light waves

as the conclusion, i really missed for these things...1 and 2 i still can do but for the number three i really love  to do it again...ok..bye..



Cik Tetra said...

bestnye..rindu ngn g tengok wayang n karaoke.. :D

aQimie Ceplos said...

ooo.. bende2 ni ko rindu. aku ko x rindu??!
danm, ahahha!
btw. pe brg seh green box.
red box la ;D

NEutrON dAN haQIm said...

ahhax...x rindu box best lah...ko x p lagi...

cik tetra: x dptlah blk kampung..sedih..ahhax

aQimie Ceplos said...

ye je. tp jb cam de je green box. weh.
mybe kt ganu je kot :)

Cik Tetra said...

kg kt ne??? 3 jam 1o ringgit..bapak murahhh..nyanyi sampai lebam kot camtu.. :D

NEutrON dAN haQIm said...

aqiemie ceplos: kat seremban lah..kat seremban ade gak red box..rmai p green box...

cik tetra: dkt jusco seremban 2...die lam 12 camtulah..tgk arie..mmg best klip sbnr plak tu


hahaha... apa barang green box je...
org sekarang VViP punya bilik la senang,,,bole wat party rongeng sama

NEutrON dAN haQIm said... box pun boleh maa..hahax..baik clubbing je..hahax

shafiqdiditagain said...

okay aku baru bace... okay haqim. kau pampang muke aku besa2.. okay... awkward... haha nnt karok lah.. jgn risau :)

NEutrON dAN haQIm said...

ai..muka dah licin oklah besar2..ahhax...yelah tggu ade mase nati..